Cabbage on a Stick, scientifically known as Brighamia, is an intriguing outdoor plant native to the Hawaiian Islands. This plant thrives on the cliffs of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau, where it is remarkably adaptable to the rocky, isolated terrain, making it a hardy yet intriguing species.
Brighamia is known for its beautiful, fragrant flowers, which bloom in the fall. These small, trumpet-shaped flowers are usually white or pale yellow, which provides a pleasant contrast to the columnar, leafy green stem. The blossoms not only add to the visual appeal, but also attract moths, making them a vital part of the local ecosystem.
Brighamia, also known as Cabbage on a Stick, does best in a spot with partial shade, away from direct sunlight to mimic its natural cliffside habitat. Regular watering is essential to keep its soil consistently moist but well-drained. Choose a sandy, well-aerated potting mix, which provides the perfect environment for its roots. Fertilize Brighamia every two weeks during the growing season, from spring through summer, with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to support its lush, leafy growth. Reducing fertilization in the fall and winter will help mimic its natural growth cycle and promote better health.
Cabbage on a stick, also known as Brussels sprouts on skewers, serves as a creative and healthy option for outdoor grilling. When skewered and cooked over a flame, these plants transform into a roasted, flavorful side dish. They add a delicious green twist to your typical barbecue fare and promote a tasty way to incorporate more vegetables into your outdoor cookouts.
Enjoy effortless decoration with the Cabbage on a Stick, which effortlessly enhances any space with its remarkable height of 37 cm on a sturdy 12 cm base.
Perfectly suited to indoor environments, this variety thrives in partial shade, making it a versatile addition to any room.
Discover the unique and striking appearance of the Cabbage on a Stick; a striking feature that adds a touch of natural sculptural art to your home.
Experience the ease of caring for Cabbage on a Stick, a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal effort for lush growth.
Supplied in a convenient 12cm size, the Cabbage on a Stick is the perfect plant for enthusiasts and beginners alike, ready to enhance your living space.